7 Points to Consider When Preparing A Landing Page

Advertising, banner, referrer link on any web site, such as the link to another site through the transition of visitors to the first page faced by the page is called landing page. Generally, the pages which have the target link that the internet banner or banner has reached are designed as landing page. The Turkish word is not yet established and is used as a landing page in our language. The goal of landing is to create conversion. Each landing page may have its own “return Her. Conditions such as filling out the contact form and selling are the main examples of return. We have compiled what you need to pay attention to to prepare a successful landing page.

1- Know Your Visitor

This title is actually one of the key elements for almost all digital marketing work. Prepare your landing page for what visitors are looking for. Every visitor's wishes and expectations are different. There are quite a number of landing pages that are not taking into account what visitors want and expect from you .

2- The visitor should find the answer to the question

The visitor searches the landing page to see if they have what they are looking for or whether they benefit from the product or the service. Therefore, it is another factor that improves the return of the products or services introduced in the landing page to the right visitors.

3- Take Care of Visuals

The fact that the images used in the page are related to the product or service described will ensure that the page is successful. The image must also be compatible with the ad and the given message. Customers can also be affected by the colors used on the page. The success of colors in this field has been scientifically proven.

4- Provide Content That Your Visitor Wants

The visitor wants to see the appropriate message on the landing page by clicking on the ad content. The visitor that is clicking on the shoe advertisement naturally wants to receive a message about the shoe. Trying to mislead the user or try to deceive the user will have a negative effect.

5- Don't make it too long

Just give your message on your page. Describe the content simply. Do not cause the visitor to leave the page using confusing words. Also, singularize messages in the context of context. For example, if you're advertising on discounts on shoes, the page should be a discounted shoe page. If you also offer shoes without discount on this page, it becomes difficult to get the result you desire.

6- Don't Ask More Questions

If the landing page is the purpose of filling in a form, do not cause your visitors to leave the page by asking more questions. If you want to fill in the contact form, prepare a form that the visitor can fill in 1-2 minutes. The shorter the form, the more it serves the purpose and the clearer the return occurs.

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